
Releasing train & test datasets (2024. 08. 12)

<aside> 💡 Releasing train & test datasets (2024. 08. 12)

2024 KSNVE AI Challenge - Google Drive


Urgent Notice (2024. 08. 09)

<aside> 💡 Urgent Notice (2024. 08. 09)

Errors have been found in the dataset used for the challenge, where excessive noise has been added, making SNRs significantly lower than intended.

Therefore, we plan to redistribute the corrected training, validation, and evaluation datasets on August 12th.

Due to insufficient time for developing with new data, the final submission deadline for the challenge has been extended from August 30th to September 20th.

Please refer to the new schedule shown below for more detailed information.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused all participants.


(New) 2-Track Challenge

<aside> 💡 For the participants who already secured good performance on the previous dataset, we also operate a separate challenge track.

Schedule (2024)

| May 18 | Challenge launch (Release of datasets and baseline model) | | --- | --- | | May 23 | Challenge presentation (KSNVE Spring Conference) | | August 12 | Evaluation & New Development datasets release | | September 20 | Challenge deadline (21:00) | | October 4 | Team rankings announcement | | October 24 | Challenge winning team award ceremony (KSNVE Autumn Conference) |

Anomaly Detection Challenge Using Speed Variable Bearing Vibration Dataset

<aside> 💡 Table of Contents


<aside> 📌 Short-cut

❗(new) Pre-registration

KSNVE 2024 AI Challenge Baseline

Data Download Site

**Submission Site**


1. Overview

The rotating parts of mechanical equipment operate under various speed conditions, and detecting their faults can often be challenging.

In particular, rolling bearings, which are essential components of rotating machinery, can be damaged by various causes such as faults in the inner or outer rings and damage to the balls. It is necessary to detect any abnormalities in advance.

The 2024 Korean Society of Noise and Vibration Engineering AI Challenge (2024 KSNVE AI challenge) aims to detect anomalous rolling bearings using deep learning and a vibration dataset of rolling bearings measured under variable speed conditions (680 RPM ~ 2460 RPM).

2. Goals

The final goal of this challenge is to develop an anomaly detection model capable of identifying the presence or absence of abnormalities in bearings. This model will utilize vibration data collected under variable speed conditions.

3. Datasets

3.1 Measurement methods for bearing vibration signals

Figure 1. Layout of the rotating machine testbed

Figure 1. Layout of the rotating machine testbed

Fig. 2. Description of rolling element structure

Fig. 2. Description of rolling element structure









Figure 3. The conditions of bearings: (a) normal state, (b) inner race fault, (c) outer race fault, (d) ball fualt

3.2 Dataset composition and download

Dataset composition (common to Track 1 & 2)

The vibration data for development( train and eval ) and submission (test) are provided.

<aside> 💡 Participants should not use eval and test datasets for training their models.


Dataset download

2024 KSNVE AI Challenge - Google Drive

(1) Track 1 (Normal Data Track)

(2) Track 2 (Crazy Data Track)

4. Baseline Model

5. Anomaly Detection Test and Evaluation Metrics

Test dataset

The test data will be released on August 9th for a fair comparison of the models developed by the participants.

The test data are 6,331 .csv files without labels.

Each .csv file contains 1 second of data like train data

Evaluation Metric

The evaluation metric for the model is ROC-AUC (AU-ROC). ROC-AUC is a metric evaluating how well the distributions of normal or abnormal data are separated, which is independent of the decision boundary used to distinguish between normal and abnormal conditions.

Figure 4. Evaluation metric (ROC-AUC)

Figure 4. Evaluation metric (ROC-AUC)

6. Registration and Submission

<aside> 📌 Submission requirement

  1. Anomaly Score for Evaluation, Test data (eval_score.csv, test_score.csv)
  2. Code that can reproduce training and evaluation
  3. Technical report (.pdf) </aside>

Figure 5. Submission procedure

Figure 5. Submission procedure

Figure 6. Example of the result CSV file

Figure 6. Example of the result CSV file

<aside> 💡 Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions about this challenge.

