📌 Contents
📌 Short-cut
1st KSNVE 2024 AI Challenge
This document is about the baseline system of the 1st Noise and Vibration AI Challenge by the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering.
Baseline files
- The purpose of this Noise and Vibration AI Challenge is to detect abnormal signals using vibration data under variable speed conditions.
📌 The baseline system consists of a total of 4 python codes.
: Data preprocessing code
: Model training code
: Code to extract the performance per defect of the trained model
: Code to extract the anomaly score for the evaluation data
Baseline system
- The baseline system utilizes a spectrogram-based AutoEncoder model.
- AutoEncoder learns features through the process of compressing and restoring data, and it is expected that abnormal data will fail to restore data, and anomaly diagnosis is performed.
- The input spectrogram is $X = \{ X_t \}{t=1}^T$, and $X_t \in \mathbb{R}^{F}$, where $T$ and $F$ are the numbers of time frames and frequency bins of the spectrogram, respectively. When the AutoEncoder model is $\psi{\phi}$, the anomaly score for each data is as follows.
\text{Score}(X) = \frac{1}{TF} \sum_{t=1}^T \|X_t - \psi_{\phi}(X_t) \|_2^2
