File Names

The filenames for the train data follow the format [dataset]_[anomaly type]_[data_index].csv, where:

The filenames for the test data follow the format [dataset]_[data_index].csv.

Each .csv file contains 1-second length data, with two columns: bearingB_x and bearingB_y, representing the x-axis and y-axis accelerometer data, respectively.

To create a dataset similar to real-world industrial environments, Weibull Noise and background noise from the ToyADMOS dataset have been added to the vibration signals at various signal-to-noise ratios.

Weibull Noise consists of signals with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) between [-5, 5]dB, shape factors ranging from 1.5 to 2, and scale factors ranging from -2 to 2.

Additionally, ToyADMOS Noise has an SNR of [-5, 5]dB, with noise randomly selected from over 380 different types of signals added to both the x-axis and y-axis data.

Data Specification (Train + Evaluation Dataset)

Data Types Speed Condition Fault Location Fault Types Number of Files Load (Nm) Rotating Speed (RPM) Sampling Rate (kHz)
Vibration Varying Bearing Housing B Normal 3354 (train) + 419 (eval) 0 680 ~ 2460 25.6
Vibration Varying Bearing Housing B Inner 420 (eval) 0 680 ~ 2460 25.6
Vibration Varying Bearing Housing B Outer 420 (eval) 0 680 ~ 2460 25.6
Vibration Varying Bearing Housing B Ball 420 (eval) 0 680 ~ 2460 25.6